Ganapati Atharvashirsa Upanishad quotes, worship and mantras Blisscredo, #ganeshchaturthi #ganeshutsav

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad quotes, Maha mantra, Gayatri mantra, rituals

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The Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad is one of the 5 Atharvaveda Upanishads dedicated to the 5 main Smarta deities viz Ganpati (Ganesha), Rudra (Shiva), Devi, Narayana(Vishnu) and Surya. It is listed at number 89 in the Muktika canon of Hinduism’s key 108 Upanishads. Believed to have been compiled in the 16th /17th century, the ‘shir’ as in ‘head’ in the word Atharvashirsha indicate that these Upanishads are the peak of Atharvaveda wisdom on these deities. The quotes in Ganpati Atharvashirsha Upanishad list out the detailed philosophy of the concept of Lord Ganesha while disclosing the Ganapati Maha mantra, Ganapati Gayatri mantra, the rituals/ manner of worship that can be best employed to propitiate this Lord of intellect, learning and the remover of obstacles

At the same time, this being an Upanishad it constantly brings out the idea that Ganesha is synonymous as the Ultimate Divinity (Brahman) as are all forms of God. And the ultimate truth of ‘Tat Tvam Asi’, meaning ‘Thou art That’ referring to Brahman/Ganesha residing within all of us as Atman. Lord Ganpati has been identified with the root Bija mantra of ‘Gam’ and the ‘Muladhara Chakra’. So read on about the Ganapati Maha Mantra, Ganapati Gayatri mantra and rewards of different ways of worshipping Lord Ganesha.

Here goes…

Who is Lord Ganpati? Explanation of the essence of Lord Ganapati

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 1

Om namaste ganapataye tvameva pratyaksham tattvamasi,

Tvameva kevalam karta si, tvameva kevalam dharta si, tvameva kevalam harta si, tvameva sarvam khalvidam brahmasi, tvam saksadatma si nityam

Translation: Om. Salutations to Lord Ganapati who is the same as Om. You embody the statement ‘Tat Tvam Asi’ as in ‘Thou art that’, The Creator, Supporter and Destroyer is you. You are the Brahman(Divinity) in all this. The realized Self (Atma) that is Indestructible is You

Meaning : Namaskar, ingrained in Hindu culture is a way of bowing to Divinity, with humility and reverence. Here Lord Ganesha is being saluted and equated to the most powerful primordial symbol/Bija mantra of OM (AUM).

Lord Ganapati is revered amongst all sects in Hinduism being it Saiva, Shakta, Vaishnava or Smarta. Infact it is a rule that Ganesha be prayed to before worship to any other deity. Also Lord Ganapati be revered before starting any auspicious/ important activity.

The word ‘gana’ means counting in Sanskrit. Therefore, Ganapati simply means Lord of all Ganas, as in all categories of this world, as in elements, sense organs, koshas, creatures,deities etc. That is to say Ganesh is the Lord of all categories of existence.

Further, Devotion to him is equated with the Upanishad Mahavakya, ‘Tat Tvam Asi’ meaning ‘Thou Art That’. Establishing a divine connection with Ganesha is akin to reaching the innermost Divinity within us in the form of Self/ Atman. All Divinity whether Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu or Atman is all a homogenous part of the all pervading Brahman.

Additionally, Ganesha is the Eternal Truth within us, exactly the way Lord Rama is described in Ram Rahasya Upanishad, Or Lord Shiva is described in Kaivalya Upanishad. To a discerning Hindu. Brahman (Ultimate divinity) is worshipped in his various manifestations, in this case being Lord Ganpati

So, here He is identified as the Creator-Sustainer-Destroyer of the world exactly in way the trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva are described. He is also omnipotent and on Realization, experienced. without the aid of the mind or the senses.

The Sage’s (author’s) declaration

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 2

Rtam vacmi, satyam vacmi

Translation: I speak the scriptural truth, I speak the self-realized truth

Meaning: What I am saying is true based on my personal experience and knowledge.

Prayer to Ganesha for Protection

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 3

Ava tvam mam, ava vaktaram, ava srotaram, ava dataram, ava dhataram, avanucanam- ava sisyam,ava pascattat, ava purastat, avottarattat, ava daksinattat, ava cordhvattat,avadharattat, sarvato mam pahi samantat

Translation: Pls protect (ava) me, the reciter, the listener, the giver, the supporter, the teacher, the Shishya, protect me east, west, north, south, protect me from above, below, fully from all directions.

Meaning: a prayer that requests the Lord to protect all involved in the process, the devotee, the audience, the supporters, the financers, as well as the mentor and the student. Protection is also sought from every single direction.

The Intrinsic qualities of the nature of Ganpati

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 4

Tvam vanmayastvam cinmayah, tvamanandamayastvam brahmamayah, tvam saccidananda’ dvittyo si, tvam pratyaksham brahmasi, tvam jnanamayo vijnanamayo si.

Translation: You epitomize Speech, Consciousness, Bliss, Boundlessness, You are Sat-Chit-Ananda, You are the Undeniable Brahman, You personify knowledge and wisdom.

Meaning : In this mantra Lord Ganesha is praised as a representation of speech. In Hinduism every syllable has a special significance. In fact the sound AUM is considered to be the origin of the Universe. It is believed that each syllable when arranges in combinations have the power to give rise to forms and that’s the exact logic on which mantras are formulated.

Further, Ganapati is also praised as the epitome of illuminating Consciousness – that which helps us discern external and Internal realities and Bliss as in Infinite Joy, Boundlessness as in limitless and without a beginning or an end.  That is to say, He is Sat (Truth) – Chit (Consciousness) – Ananda (Bliss). Also, he is referred to as the Immutable (ever-present/unchanging) Brahman exemplifying knowledge and wisdom.

More on qualities of Lord Ganapati.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 5

Sarvam jagadidam tvatto jayate, sarvam jagadidam tvattatisthat, sarvam jagadidam tvayi layamesyati, sarvam jagadidam tvayi pratyeti, tvam bhumir-apo nalo nito nabhah tvam catvari vakpadani

Translation: The whole world has emanated from you, exists in you, appears from you and dissolves back into you. You are the earth, water, fire, air, akasa, you are the 4 forms of speech.

Meaning : This mantra says that this world of forms, thoughts and sounds is born from Lord Ganesha/ Brahman, it exists in him and merges back into him. Further, ‘world’ here has a larger connotation, as in the sum of gross material world (matter), the subtle unmanifested world and the creative energy potential (Prakriti). So, Ganesha is described as the owner of all these three.

Further, Lord Ganesha is described as all the four types of speech; Para, Pasyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari. Para is when our thoughts and speech about an idea are unmanifested, Pasyanti is when we gather some pointers of that idea. Madhyama is when the thoughts and ideas are clearly formed. Finally, Vaikhari is the part in which we clearly verbalize thoughts on that idea.

Ganapati/Brahman is beyond everything conceivable

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 6

Tvam gunatrayatitah, tvam avasthatrayatitah,

Tvam dehatrayatitah, tvam kalatrayatitah

Translation: You are beyond the 3 Gunas, the 3 states of being, the 3 koshas, the 3 spaces of time.

Meaning: You (Ganapati/Brahman) are beyond the 3 qualities of Sattva/Rajas/Tamas, the 3 states of experience of waking, dreams and deep sleep, beyond the 3 bodies (koshas) of gross body, subtle body and causal body, beyond time as in beyond past, present, future.

Where does Ganesha reside within us?

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 7

Tvam  muladharasthito si nityam, tvam saktitrayatmakah tvam yogino dhyayanti nityam

Translation: You are eternally situated in the Muladhara chakra. You are the 3-fold shakti (power), Yogis contemplate on you.

Meaning: Muladhara is the chakra situated at the base of the spine near the perineum. This Chakra has the powerful but latent Kundalini power that when aroused moves from chakra to chakra thereby blessing the aspirant with Self-Realization. Kundalini\’s journey is from from the Muladhara (Base Chakra) to the Swadishthana (Sacral chakra) at at the coccyx, then Manipura (Navel chakra) then Anahata (Heart chakra), then Vishuddhi (Throat chakra), then Ajna (Forehead chakra) and finally to the Sahasrara/ Brahmarandra (Crown chakra).

Also, Yogis are said to meditate on this chakra to activate their spiritual journey ahead.

Lord Ganesha resides in the Muladhara with the three- fold powers of desire, action and knowledge that is instrumental in creation.

Lord Ganesh is in all Gods, Upanishad truth

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 8.

Tvam brahma tvam vishu, tvam rudra, tvam indra, tvam agni, tvam vayu tvam suryas, tvam candramas tvam brahmah bhurbhuvahsvarom

Translation: You are Brahma-Vishnu-Rudra-Indra-Agni-Vayu-Surya-Chandrama, you are the Brahman’s Earth-Space-Heaven.  

Meaning: Divinity is Unique worshipped through various names and forms. Further It is also Omniscient pervading One and All. So, Ganesha is the same as Rudra, Vishnu, Brahma etc, all referring to the same Brahman/Ultimate Truth. Also, the 3 worlds referred to here are the realms of Bhu (earth) Bhuvah (space) Swaha (heaven)

Ganapati Bija mantra

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 9.

Ganadin purvamuccarya varnadimstadanantaram, anusvarah pratarah, ardhendu lasitam, tarena rddham, etat tava manusvarupam, gakarah purva rupam, akaro madhyama rupam, anusvarascantya rupam, bindur uttararupam, nadah sandhanam, sagmhita sandhih

Translation: Utter the ‘ga’ followed by ‘a’ and then add a nasal ‘m’ followed by a crescent. Prefix this with Om. Ga is the 1st, A is the 2nd form and M is the next form and the crescent is the final form of sound closely connected to this (Bija mantra Gam)

Meaning: Gam is the Bija mantra for Ganpati. A bija mantra is a seed mantra that when chanted right gives rise to a set of vibrations that manifest a particular form. Similarly, gam is the Bija mantra that has the potent seed for the form of Lord Ganesha.

Seer/ Metre of the Ganapati Bija Mantra

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 10.

Saisa Ganesa vidya, ganaka rishi, Nicrdgayatricchanda, ganapatir devata

Translation: This is Knowledge about Lord Ganapati is called Ganesha Vidya. The sage to whom it was revealed is Ganaka Rishi and it is composed in Nicrd Gayatri meter.

Meaning: Sage Ganaka is the Seer of the Ganapati mantra and it is composed in Gayatri metre.

Ganapati Maha mantra

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 11

Om Gam Ganapataye Namah

Translation: Om, Salutations to Lord Ganapati

Meaning: Salutations to God (Lord Ganesha) signify putting him in the driver’s seat, giving up the egoistic aspect of I, Me and Mine.

Ganapati Mahamantra, Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad quotes, Blisscredo

Ganapati Gayatri Mantra

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 12

Ekadantaya vidmahe vakratundaya dhimahi, tanno dantih prachdayat

Translation: We are aware of the One-Tusked. We meditate on the One having a crooked trunk. May this Ganpati keep inspiring us.  

Gayatri is the name of the metre in which the mantra is composed. All forms of Gods have their Bija mantra as well as Gayatri mantra (composed in the Gayatri meter) chanted with the prefix of Om.

Gayatri means something that helps in transcendence and therefore all Gayatri meter mantras are very powerful. Moreover, the most famous mantra synonymous with the name of the metre itself is the Gayatri mantra ; ‘Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat savitur varenyam, Bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo namah prachodayat.’

Ganapati Gayatri Mantra, Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad quotes, Blisscredo

Description/ Symbolism of Lord Ganesha

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 13

Ekadantam caturhastam pasam ankusa dharinam, Radam ca varadam hastair-bibhranam musaka dhvajam

Raktam lambodaram surpa karnakam rakta-vasasam, Rakta-gandhanuliptangam rakta-puspaih supujitam,

Bhaktanukampinam devam jagat-karanam acyutam, Avirbhutam ca srstyadau prakrteh purusatparam,

Evam dhyayatiyo nityam sa yogi yoginam varah

Translation: That Yogi is the best amongst Yogis who meditates on Him (Lord Ganesha) thus. As one who has a single right sided tusk, 4 hands; noose in the upper right hand, goad in the left, tusk in the lower left hand, right lower hand fingers in a blessing posture, flag with the mouse insignia, Is red, big-bellied with scuttle shaped ears, anointed with red sandalwood, worshipped with red flowers. Also as One who is incandescent, immaculate, material cause of the world. Existing before creation and beyond Prakriti and Purusha

Meaning: A single tusk represents breaking the bonds of opposites that one suffers from when he sees himself distinct from Divinity (Non dualism). The single tusk therefore represents overcoming of the ignorance of Duality.

Further, the four hands represent the incredible power to act on the 4 Purushartha goals of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

Also, the goad, the noose all represent self-control, to herd back ill-directed devotees or to punish evil and the Modak represents bliss.

As per Pauranic legends, Lord Ganapati used his broken tusk to write Mahabharata as dictated by Sage Vyasa. This broken tusk represents knowledge and learning.

Additionally, Ganpati’s flag carries the mouse insignia. Meaning with his grace even a tiny creature can carry a heavy load, that is to say surmount huge challenges in life.

Further. the Red skin colour or red clothes on Ganapati is a manifestation of active Brahman high on Rajas Guna. This is because Ganapati is always involved in destroying the obstacles in his devotees path. Therefore, his accessories for worship too like the sandalpaste, the flowers etc are red, also implying love for his devotees.

The Big stomach stands for a voracious appetite that feeds the world while the Big ears large forehead signify good memory and intelligence.

Further the crooked (twisted) trunk stand for the flexibility to maneuver all kinds of tasks from smallest to largest.

More description of Lord Ganapati

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 14

Namo vratapataye, namo ganapataye, namah pramathapataye, namaste’stu lambodarayaikadantaya vighnanasine sivasutaya varadamurtaye namah

Translation : Salutations to Lord of hard work (vrata-pati), all ganas/categories (ganapati), creator and destroyer of obstacles (vignavinayaka-vignavinashaka), lord of Shiv -devotees (pramathas), Son of Shiva (Shiv-suta)

Meaning : Here the Lord is again offered salutations with descriptions like the Son of Lord Shiva, the The Lord of his fathers devotees, the Lord of all ganas, the Lord of hard work as well the creator and destroyer of obstacles

Benefits of chanting this Upanishad (Mantras 15-17)

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 15

Etad-artharvastrsam yo dhite sa brahmabhuyaya kalpate,

Sa sarva vighnair na badhyate, sa sarvatra sukham edhate, sa panca mahapapat pramucyate.

Translation: The one who meditates on this Upanishad becomes fit for the Realization that ‘ I am That (Brahman).’ No impediments will stop him, he will gain joy at all times from everywhere, no matter what. He will also be released of the 5 great sins.

Meaning: Meditation on this Upanishad banishes ignorance, makes him realize his non-duality with the Brahman. Further, now obstacles, setbacks do not bother him because of his change in perspective. He is always joyous because the way he sees happiness, sorrow, success, failure has changed. Additionally, he is forever free from the great sins of murder, alcohol, infidelity(lust), stealing, bad company etc.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 16

Sayam adhiyano divasa krtam papam nasayati, pratar adhiyano ratri krtam papam nasayati, sayam pratah prayunjano

Papo papo bhavati sarvatradhiyano pavighno bhavati, Dharmartha kama moksam ca vindati.

Translation : Evening- chanting of this Upanishad will absolve one of day -time mistakes (sins) and Daytime-chanting of mistakes made in the night. Chanting all throughout will ensure one doesn’t face impediments while also achieving Purusharth goals of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha.

Meaning: The Upanishad advises us to use the golden hours of early morning (sunrise) and twilight (sunset) to chant the name of the Lord continuously also be in constant remembrance of Him. Additionally it says, He who does this will effortlessly reach his Purushartha goals of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 17

Idam atharvasirsam asisyaya ne deyam, Yo yadi mohad dasyati sa papiyan bhavati.

Translation : This Upanishad knowledge should not be shared with an undeserving student under the influence of greed or delusion else as it can be sinful.

Meaning: This is a warning not to share this Upanishad\’s knowledge with undeserving people out of greed/delusion as they might misuse it.

Benefits corresponding to the various methods of worshipping Ganpati

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 18

Sahasravartanad-yam yam kamam adhite tam tam-anena sadhayet

Translation: Repetition of this Upanishad a 1000 times can fulfil all desires

Meaning: Repetition of this Upanishad, one thousand times can be done in a single shot or spaced out like over a month/year etc.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 19

Anena ganapatim abhisincati sa vagmi bhavati

Translation: Bathing the idol of Lord Ganesha while chanting the Upanishad makes one eloquent.

Meaning: Abhisheka ie ‘bathing the Lord’ is nothing but pouring water, milk etc on the idol of Ganpati simultaneously while chanting.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 20

Caturthyam anasnan japati sa vidyavan bhavati

Translation: One who fasts and chants this Upanishad on Chaturthis becomes knowledgeable.

Meaning: The fourth day of every fortnight is called Chaturthi and is considered ideal for Ganpati worship. Therefore, fasting, abstinence, meditation, simultaneously while chanting the Ganpati Maha-mantra or this Upanishad is what is referred to here.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 21


Transation: Says Rishi Atharvana

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 22

Brahmadyavaranam vidyanna bibheti kadacaneti

Translation: When one gets to know Brahman along with its power and veiling abilities then one is freed of fear.

Meaning: For fearlessness, one should understand his advaitic nature completely. Why? Because, we always fear things outside of us, never our own selves. So when we realize Divinity within and see it in everything around us, fear dies.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 23

Yo durvankurair yajati sa vaisravanopamo bhavati

Translation: Worship with blades of durva grass and red flowers for wealth like Kuber

Meaning: Durva grass and red flowers are Lord Ganapati’s favourite just like Bilva leaves and lotus flowers are for Lord Shiva

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 24

Yo lajair yajatisa yasovan bhavati, sa medhavan bhavati

Translation: Worship with parched grains for fame and intelligence

Meaning: Parched grains offered into the Yagnic fire is what is referred to here.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 25

Yo modaka sahasrena yajati sa vanchita phalam avapnoti

Translation: Worship with a thousand modaks to get every wish fulfilled

Meaning: Modak is a sweet dumpling made of rice stuffed with coconut jaggery mixture. A favourite of lord Ganesha

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 26

Yah sajya samidbhir yajati sa sarvam labhate sa sarvam labhate.

Translation: Offer wood , ghee to yajnic fire to get everything

Meaning: Here, Oblations of wood (preferably scented) and ghee into the Yagnic fire is what is referred to here.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 27

Astau brahmanan samyag grahayitva suryavarcasvi bhavati

Translation: Make 8 qualified and good students proficient in this Upanishad for sun-like glory

Meaning: Choosing a few deserving students of a noble character and teaching them this Upanishad, is what is referred to here.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 28.

Suryagrahe mahanadyam Pratima sannidhau va japtva, siddha mantro bhavati, maha vighnat pramucyte, mahadosat pramucyate, mahapratyavayat pramucyate

Translation: Chant this Upanishad during the solar eclipse by a river or by the Ganesha idol and the get freedom from impediments, faults and sins among other things.

Meaning: Chanting of the Ganapati Maha Mantra/Upanishad during the solar eclipse is recommended while standing/ sitting at the banks of a holy river or by the Ganesha idol/temple.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad Mantra 29 (the Final Mantra)

Sa sarvavid bhavati sa sarvavid bhavati, ya evam veda, ityupanisat.

Translation: He who  knows Lord Ganesha this way, indeed knows All.

Meaning: One who through the study of this Upanishad and its truths understands the nature of Ganapati, he understands it All.

Hope this simplified version of this precious Upanishad helps you in your spiritual journey.

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