Gayatri Mantra Benefits for Students; Gayatri Mantra chanting rules, Meaning

Gayatri Mantra’s powerful benefits for students; chanting rules, meaning

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Next to AUM, this is the most popular, the most significant mantra… the greatest of all Vedic incantations! And here, along with the Gayatri mantra meaning we will dwell upon Gayatri mantra benefits for students and practitioners. Additionally, the all-important 22 key Gayatri mantra chanting rules

In Bhagavad Gita, Chap 10, verse 35; Lord Krishna equates himself to the Gayatri Mantra! ‘Among metres Gayatri I am…’ ‘Brihatsaama tathaa saamnaam gaayatree cchandasaamaham..’

Gandhiji said ‘Constant chanting of the Gayatri Mantra purifies the intellect, cures ailments and uplifts the soul.’

‘Gayatri Mantra is the mantra of knowledge. It can bring the light of truth on all planes of being.’ Sri Aurobindo

Today’s students don’t accept anything at face value. Not just the teenagers but even the cherubic primary schoolers!

So, try suggesting the Gayatri mantra as a ritual to them. Then, watch them push back with shocked ‘whys’!

Fact is, almost all Hindus plead their children to reverently recite this mantra for studies. And why not?!

Don’t the Rigveda, the Atharvaveda, the Upanishads, the Shastras praise Gayatri mantra benefits as the best?! Haven’t these scriptures awarded it the title of  ‘Veda-Mata’!… the sum and substance of all Vedic wisdom?!

And if that wasn’t enough, Gayatri mantra benefits have the direct endorsement of the greatest spiritual luminaries like Gautam Buddha, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath Tagore, Madan Mohan Malviya, Gandhiji, Lokmanya Tilak and many more.

Additionally, in the Guru-Shishya days, Gayatri mantra was the Guru-mantra for the initiation of a student into a Gurukul.

This mantra has also been a part of the Hindu ritual of Sandhya Vandana, since forever.

The recitation of Gayatri mantra can boost not only the academics of a student but also the overall well-being!  

So dive right in, and grab these pointers that can help give rational answers to those ‘Whys’!

Before listing down the holy-mystical-spiritual benefits of Gayatri mantra chanting, try running past students, these scientifically researched benefits. Read all about top 25 Bhagavad Gita Quotes for students here

First, how does a Mantra benefit the mind-body-soul of a regular chanter?

Gayatri mantra benefits Bliss Credo

Remember, Mantras are mystic syllables, that when pronounced right can alter one’s physical and psychological states through its frequencies.

Check out these research reports that show how sound vibration patterns of mantras do influence our sympathetic and para sympathetic nerves, hence  positively influence the brain.

Also, Mantra chanting can promote the synchronizing of cardio-vascular rhythms, an increase in baroflex sensitivity, a reduction in skin resistance, limbic deactivatio, brain activation in key areas like pre-frontal cortex. Mantras can have a positive influence not just on humans but also plants!

Read all about Mantra Meditation, its amazing sound power and benefits here

Scientific evidence on how Gayatri Mantra benefits, positively impact the brain/wellbeing of students/practitioners

Susan Thomas (Phd at St John’s Institute, Bangalore) and Shobini Rao (HOD at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences conducted a study testing the effects on the brain caused by Gayatri Mantra chanting.

Hence, this test used Electroencephalograph (EEG) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to measure these effects.

Subjects who are novices in the field of meditative practices were made to listen to Gayatri mantra chants for 15 minutes.

Now, EEG is a test that detects changes in the electrical activity of the brain.

This EEG test found that, post Gayatri mantra chants for 15 minutes, the percentage of gamma/beta brain waves of subjects, increased than before.

Increase in gamma brain waves indicates a high level of conscious awareness while increase in beta waves indicates a more alert state of mind.

Next the fMRI test, something that measures the small changes in blood flow that occur with brain activity

This fMRI test found that various areas of the brain were activated during Gayatri Mantra chanting. The most relevant of these was the right insula, which involves bodily self-awareness and emotional experience.

In conclusion, The results showed that chanting the Gayatri mantra had maximum brain activation in the bilateral superior temporal gyri, right temporal lobe, right insula, left inferior parietal lobule, lateral globuspallidus and culmen of the cerebellum.

The Alternate science: Ayurveda on Gayatri Mantra benefits for students and practitioners

Dr. Rashmi Sharma (BAMS, MD, PHD- Ayurveda) explains how Gayatri mantra chanting is a ‘Maha-aushadi’ and can benefit students and practitioners alike, in her Ayurvedic paper.

This Ayurvedic paper shows how Gayatri mantra chanting purifies and elevates the Sattvic element in a person’s nature:

But first, check out the 2 types of Prakruti (Nature/composition/tendency):

  • Firstly, Sharir Prakruti (Bodily tendency) as in Vatta, Pitta and Kapha.
  • Secondly, Manas Prakruti (Mental tendencies) as in Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva represents truth, harmony, wisdom, light, fortitude and temperance. Rajas represent passion, energy, greed, anxiety etc. Tamas represent darkness, ignorance, negative tendencies and animal instincts.

Sharir Prakruti is hard to change. However, Manas Prakruti is where Gayatri mantra chanting is extremely beneficial.

This is so because the Gayatri mantra’s syllable enunciation, uses different parts of the mouth i.e throat (larynx), tongue, teeth, lips and root of the tongue. Consequently, the nerve-fibers of the mouth used while uttering these syllables stretch up to the other parts of the body.

Therefore, they exert pressure on the corresponding large, small, visible and invisible glands, stimulating their energy. Also, some glands activate the latent powers of the brain too.

Gayatri Mantra chanting also imbues the human chakras (energy centers) with a healing, positive effect.

Thus the Manas prakruti tranforms all Rajas and Tamas elements into Sattva. Sattvic Guna then gushes in, to enhance positive attributes like peace/clarity to nullify negatives like stress/anxiety that plague students. Learn all about Sattva, Rajas, Tamas here

Scientific benefits of Gayatri mantra chanting for students and practitioners (proven by studies).

‘Gayatri mantra is the mantra of spiritual wisdom. Hence called the greatest of all mantras.’ Swami Vivekananda

The following studies directly conducted on students to test the effects of Gayatri mantra chanting found that:

1. Chanting the Gayatri mantra can improve cognitive functions in students: Spatial and Verbal memory scores

This first study involved 30 hostel students in Kerala between ages 11yrs to 14yrs. Under the guidance of a Vedic pandit, the students chanted the Gayatri mantra each morning for 10 minutes from 6.00, Monday to Friday, 16 weeks in a row.

Consequently, their spatial and verbal memory scores showed a remarkable jump post the chanting period vis-a vis the pre-chanting scores.

2. Gayatri mantra benefits students with enhanced attention span and attention paying abilities 

Another study was on 60 teenage students between the ages of 12-14 years, split into two groups, randomly.

The first group chanted Gayatri Mantra for 5 days, 10 mins each while the second chanted a random poem for the same duration.

Subsequently, the students were given a letter substitution test. The group of students who had been chanting Gayatri mantra clearly showed higher scores indicating an enhanced attention ability, a key performance indicator for academic excellence.

3. Chanting the Gayatri mantra can help alleviate student anxiety while improving memory and general mental state.

This next study was done on 45 young athletes in the mean age of 21 years. Divided into 3 groups, the first chanted Gayatri Mantra with meditation, the second group only meditated and the third did neither.

Subsequently, the athlete’s levels of attention, memory, anxiety and sense of wellbeing, were tested after 3 months.

Student athletes of Group 1 who had been meditating and also chanting Gayatri mantra showed a huge improvement on all parameters as against the other two groups.

Another study, involved 80 students, diagnosed with learning difficulties. Split into 2 groups, the first was put through a social-skill training module plus Gayatri mantra listening/chanting for 2 months.

A post-test analysis showed that the Gayatri mantra chanting was effective in reducing social anxiety and stress levels of the first group while also enhancing their self-concept and their sense of well-being.

5. Gayatri mantra chanting can help improve reading and comprehension

Another brief study undertaken on undergraduate students (Age 18 -30 years) measured the impact of Gayatri mantra chanting and Om chanting respectively on two random groups.

Within 2 days and a chanting of 15 mins each the Stroop scores improved. The participants who did Gayatri mantra recitation registered a 16.16% rise while the Om chanting group registered a 9.26% Stroop score rise.

6.Gayatri mantra can also benefit students, who give care to elderly around them.

For instance, this study showed how Gayatri mantra chanting helped decrease anxiety in the elderly.

Further, another study pointed out how it helped the elderly develop a better emotional life even after a stroke (heart attack) patients.

Now that you have captured their attention, it is time to familiarize them the spiritual aspect of the Gayatri mantra.

Spiritual benefits of Gayatri mantra chanting for students and practitioners (source: scriptures/spiritual leaders)

‘Gayatri mantra is the foremost chhanda (meter), just as the king is foremost among humans, sun among the lights.’ Gautam Buddha in Majjhima Nikaya

1. The 24 syllables of the Gayatri mantra benefit by activating 24 qualities in the student

Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya is an authority in the area of Gayatri mantra as well as the writer of the book  ‘The Super Science of Gayatri). He says that the 24 Gayatri-syllables correspond to 24 qualities, activated in students through chanting. They are as follows:

Tat-success; Sa-bravery; Vi-maintenance; Tur-wellbeing; Va-yog; Re- love; Ni-money; Yam- brilliance; Bhar-defence; Go-intellect; De- self control; Va-devotion, Sya-retention; Dhee-Prana (life-breath); Ma-restraint; Hi-penance; Dhi- far-sightedness; Yo-awakening; Yo-power to produce; Naha- sweetness; Pra-ideal; Cho-courage; Da-Wisdom; Yat- service

2. Gayatri Mantra chanting can benefit a student’s physical health.

A Gayatri Mantra devoted student will feel a change in his material tastes within a matter of time. He will be less inclined to binge on processed, spicy or junk food.

The chanting energies will slowly dispel all dark, craving, brooding bodily tendencies (Tamas) also deactivate over-zealous (Rajas) inclinations of the body.

As a result of the influx of pure Sattva (wisdom/light), through the energies of the 24Gayatri mantra syllables, fresh prana will surge in to replace festering and needless cravings of the body. So, fresh energy from the sound waves resonating in the ether will detox the student from inside out.

Physiological issues due to stress, negativity, bad-diet are purged out. Though cumbersome at start, gradually the student will move towards health, light and harmony.

Now, the student will now seek food and physical activities that elevate him from inside out. Soon he will radiate health, attractiveness, vigour, enthusiasm and vitality

3. Gayatri Mantra chanting can fill a students mind with purity, awareness and agility and concentration.

The vibrations of this mantra can purify a student’s mind. Its frequencies have the power to dissipate pent up emotions, negativity, anger, worry, stress, peer pressure, insecurity, lethargy, indecision.

Consequently, the more the student identifies with the mantra, the more he will find peace even in the eye of a storm. Soon, he will feel more centered in his Self and hard to be swayed by bad influences or temptations.

Thus, Gayatri mantra chanting can keep him charged up and focused on his academics. Also, the sense of righteousness and sense of duty that this mantra anchors him to automatically filters out undesirable influences and mental tendencies. Read about  making ethical decisions here.

Chanting this powerful mantra will give him the willpower to break the chains of vices, if he has any. Read Bhagavad Gita quotes on developing willpower

4. Gayatri mantra chanting can promote spiritual growth in the student

With the physical and mental energies in check, an aura of spirituality slowly starts blossoming in the student. He starts to develop an altruistic side to his personality. Any traces of petty selfishness or disregard for fellow beings start to become a thing of the past.

Positive qualities like compassion, love, truth and generosity start to bloom.

As a result, the student becomes increasingly inclined towards higher thoughts, inner cleanliness and purity.

Also, he continues to perform his duties with fortitude and equanimity, both in good and bad situations.

5. Chanting of the Gayatri mantra leads to attraction of propitious people and circumstances.

‘As you think so you are’! The more the student relates to the pious energy fields created by the Gayatri chanting the more the vibrations spread out and attract back good people and good circumstances in his life.

As a result, negative thought patterns broken down, now he starts to attract wisdom, prosperity and success in every aspect of his life.

6.Gayatri mantra chanting can lead to a Creatively superior quality of effort and work by the student

Chanting the Gayatri mantra can make a student more focused on his efforts instead of constantly obsessing over the results.

That is to say, he starts to tread on the path of Karma Yoga (Read Bhagavad Gita quotes on karma here) He develops an attitude of trusting God with the fruits of his actions . The adage ‘Do your best and God will do the rest.’ starts to become a guiding principle.

This powerful philosophy enables him give his mind-body-soul to the present moment and activity always. Creative inspiration flows uninterrupted by negative tendencies like worries and stress.

An inclination towards music, literature, arts, crafts, business, oratory etc. could also blossom.

7. Gayatri mantra chanting can assist a student throughout his life in the pursuit of various goals.

Gayatri mantra chanting with full devotion can be the Kalpavrakhsha of a student’s life.

The positive energy generated can guide him seamlessly through the phases of his Purushartha pursuits.

Purusharth are the four noble pursuits that a householder must seek nobly (as per the Hindu scriptures). These are Dharma (Right thought and action), Artha (Material wealth), Kama (love and pleasure), Moksha (liberation in the final stages of life). Read all about Dharma and Sanatan Dharma here

The Gayatri Mantra: Meaning

Gayatri mantra means that the prayer is addressed to Goddess Savitri who is the presiding deity over the power of the mantra. Gayatri mantra also means a reference to the meter to which it belongs. There are 24 different Gayatri mantras within the Gayatri meter that have various Gods/ deities attached to them. But the most popular is the Vedmata, the Savitur Gayatri mantra.

Savitur is the name for both the Sun and the Goddess, the source of all life. And the Gayatri mantra means invoking their blessings for the greatest of wisdom, creativity and intuition on all planes of existence, physical, mental (psychic) and spiritual(heavenly).

The Gayatri mantra : ‘Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam; Bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.

Translated Gayatri mantra meaning : We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten our minds (Swami Vivekananda)

Word to word translation of the Gayatri mantra meaning : ‘Om’ means Para Brahman(Universal Divine); ‘Bhur’ means Bhuloka/Physical Plane; ‘Bhuvah’ means Antariksha/Space; ‘Svah’ means Svargalok/Heaven; Tat means the Divine Soul; Savitur means Sun-God; Varenyam means Worship/Adoration worthy; Bhargo means slayer of sin/ignorance; Devasya means Glory, Dheemahi means we meditate; Dhiyo means Intellect, Yo means Yo means which; Nah means Our; Prachodayat means Enlighten

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad explains the Gayatri mantra as that which sustains the vital energies of the body for all biological functions

The correct way to chant the Gayatri Mantra:

Swami Sivananda said that there are 5 sub-parts of the Mantra that must be uttered with a short pause each

‘Om’ is the first stop;

‘Bhur Bhuvah Svah‘ the second;

‘Tat Savitur Varenyam‘ the third;

‘Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi’ the fourth;

‘Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat’ the fifth

Gayatri mantra is renowned to be a protective mantra for the chanter. One more interpretation says that the meaning of Gayatri mantra is a prayer requesting the Mother of Vedas to grant a wisdom ‘ Buddhi’ which is beyond the body. An intellect that can make one recognize the divine within us or ‘Soham-Asmi’.

Humans are blossoming while discovering both, the external wonders of the world and internal mystical wonders. So Gayatri mantra also means a prayer to Goddess Savitri to guide humans through this intellectual process both within and without.

Gayatri Mantra Chanting rules

The pre-requisites for taking up Gayatri Mantra chanting (Jap) are utmost faith, belief, consistence and constancy of effort.

Mantras can have adverse effects when performed wrong. But Gayatri mantra by virtue of being Veda- Mata means an especially benevolent (motherly) chant that absolves devotees/students of mistakes, if his intentions are pure.

Gayatri Mantra Chanting rules (Source: Swami Sivananda and Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya works)

1. Best time for maximum Gayatri mantra benefits

In olden times Sandhya upasana slots (including the Brahma-muhurta) was a strict Gayatri mantra chanting rule


Chanting from 4.00 am to 5.30-6.00 am is when Gayatri mantra benefits the most. This early morning time is full of Sattva and can powerfully recharge our energies

The mind is also serene, well rested and inclined to soak in the maximum from the sonic energies of the Gayatri mantra chants.

Sandhi (Sandhya Vandana)

Sandhis are three points of time when the day transitions to the next phase. These are dawn, dusk and midday. These three points have a special charm, a mystical quality that can effortlessly elevate the body-mind and soul.

Prayers offered at these times are called Sandhya Vandana or Sandhya Upasana. In the modern times, only the dawn and dusk prayers have survived as a doable practice.

Chanted at these times with full concentration on the meaning of Gayatri mantra, benefits the practitioner most

2. Pranayama before Gayatri mantra chanting is beneficial

  1. It is best to do a bit of Pranayama before the Gayatri mantra chanting. The mind becomes calm and focussed and more pliable to the chanting process then. If one is very sleepy then Pranayama can be combined with a few basic asanas or a dozen Surya namaskars to feel fresh and focused.
  2. Once you start the chanting try to synchronize it with the rhythm of the breath like Pranayama.

3. The count of chants, as a rule for Gayatri mantra

Gayatri mantra benefits the most when chanted at least 108 times daily; 36 times each before sunrise, at noon and around sunset.

If one is taking up Gayatri Anushthana or Gayatri Purushcharana then the number varies and the rules become more stringent. One has to take the guidance of a Guru in such cases.

Gayatri Anushthana is maintaining strict austere disciplines while chanting the mantra for a certain number of days as per his wish. Here the practitioner exclusively undertakes this practice and withdraws from all wordly affairs.

Gayatri Purascharana is the chanting of the mantra 24 lacs times, with a set count daily along with the austerities. But the practitioner does not fully cut himself from the world unlike Anushthana practise.

There are 3 levels of Gayatri Purushcharana in which it is chanted as follows:

  • Level 1: 1.25 lac times within 40 days.
  • Second Level: 24 lac times in around 2 years
  • Third Level : 32 lacs times in around 3 years

4. Personal hygiene for Gayatri mantra chanting

  • Start after a shower. (Shower atleast twice daily)
  • Else (if it is too cold) atleast, wash up just the face, hands and feet before chanting.
  • Wear clean clothes

5. The Seat for maximum Gayatri mantra benefits.

  • Do not sit on bare ground. This leads to loss of energy generated by meditation. A Kusha mat or cloth mat is preferable.

6. The Direction rules for Gayatri mantra chanting

Face the East or the North while chanting. As per Swami Sivananda facing North gives huge Gayatri mantra chanting benefits as it tunes into the spiritual currents from the Himalayas.

7. A fixed place daily for Gayatri mantra chanting

A separate meditation corner or room (if possible) is always beneficial. Try not to use that corner for any other purpose. Keep it clean and fresh smelling. Keep the pictures of your favourite God/deity or the symbol of Om, there.

The more you meditate in the same place the more that place will be super-charged with the sonic vibrations of the Gayatri chant. Over time the ether of the place will be purified so much that it will become your little haven of peace and joy.

If you are lucky to be in the outskirts of a city, then meditating under a banyan/peepal tree or next to a river bank would be immensely fruitful. Being closer to the Mother Nature’s fresh prana can fast-track spiritual growth.

8. The idea behind Offerings to the God, as a Gayatri mantra chanting rule.

Most people find it extremely hard to keep their mind-body-soul locked in the spirit of the prayer for long. The Vedic/Hindu prayer protocol tries to inculcate unity of thoughts, actions and speech in the process of prayers.

Therefore, small acts like offering water, flowers, sweet dishes to the image of the deity are encouraged to keeps the practitioner fully immersed in the spirit of the prayer and in the meaning of the Gayatri mantra. Burning of dhoop/incense and lighting of lamps add a fragrant and pleasant atmosphere for praying.

9. The ideal posture rule for maximum Gayatri mantra benefits.

  • Posture must be straight, the spine kept erect while the body is held relaxed in either Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana or Svastikasana. The head, neck and trunk should be held comfortably but in one straight line.
  • Maintain the posture for as long as possible. Looking here and there or frequently shifting positions is ill-advised. Maintaining an asana for long periods of time can build endurance and energy

10. The use of Mala/Rosary as a rule for Gayatri mantra chanting.

The use of a rosary not only evokes reverence but also keeps one rooted in the process of praying. It also helps keep track of the count of the chanting while herding the mind away from distractions.

  1. Use a Rudraksha/Tulsi beads rosary for maximum gayatri mantra chanting benefits.

  • A rosary generally has 108 regular sized beads and one large bead known as the Meru. Reaching the Meru while rolling the beads indicates that you have done 108 chants.

  • Do not use the index finger to roll the beads. Use only the middle finger and the thumb of right hand. When you reach the Meru, do not cross it. Touch the rosary reverentially to the eyes and forehead and resume after reversing the direction

  • Hold up the hand near the heart. Do not allow the rosary to hang below the navel.

  • In case you are with others, keep the rosary out of sight by covering the rosary-held hand with a kerchief.

  • Wash the rosary regularly and keep it clean.

11. Rules for types of Gayatri mantra chanting

  1. There are three variations to any chanting as is with Gayatri mantra
    • Loud verbal chanting (Vaikhari)
    • Soft whispering or humming (Upamsu) chants
    • Mental (Mansika) chants.
    • There is a fourth variety of written (Likhita) chanting that is also employed by a few
  2. Overtime when the sonic energies of the mantra has united with yours, a powerful inner chanting called Ajapa japa takes over. Ajapa Japa is a continuous inner chant that takes place within the practitioner no matter what he is doing.

12. Being alert and alternating between types of chants for optimal Gayatri mantra benefits

  1. Be self-aware and keep watch on how the chanting progresses. Initially, one will always be fresh and focussed but over time the mind gets restless.
  2. The Gayatri mantra chanting rule advises to switch between various types of chanting before it gets monotonous and repetitive.
  3. Don’t let the mind wander away from the spirit and emotion of the Gayatri mantra prayer. Rein it in quickly by changing gears between loud, soft and internal chanting
  4. This switching also helps overcome sleepiness while chanting.
  5. Mantra writing (likhita) is writing it down daily for a set number of times. This is known to help immensely with concentration and spiritual benefits. This should be accompanied by verbal or silent chanting, all with the correct reverence (bhava) on the meaning of the Gayatri mantra. Maintain the same notebook reverentially in a box or in the meditation corner. 

13. Where to concentrate during Gayatri mantra chanting

Focus attention on the middle of the eyebrows (Ajna Chakra) or in the center of the chest (Heart/Anahata chakra) while chanting.

This practice of Bhrumadhya is recommended in Yogic books as well as in the Bhagavad Gita.

One can practise this with eyes closed, eyes opened or eyes half opened, whatever works best individually.

14. Correct mental attitude for Gayatri mantra benefits

One can chant with concentration on the Saguna (with form) or Nirguna (without form) of God. But for beginners, the definite form of the Goddess helps establish concentration on the meaning of the Gayatri mantra.

Visualize the image of Goddess Gayatri (5- faced Deity) seated on a Lotus flower. Imagine her in your heart chakra and concentrate there. Or imagine her standing beautifully before you.

Chant the Gayatri mantra with a feeling that a divine light is flowing from her to your heart, your mind. Imagine this pure effulgent light elevating your mind-body-soul

15. Rule for the Pace and Pronunciation of Gayatri mantra chanting

Chanting done in a hurried manner is not only forbidden but also entirely useless. However, increasing the pace of chanting for a short while to ward off sleep is ok. It can rapidly bring the mind back to focus on the meaning of the Gayatri mantra.

Each letter and word of the mantra has to be enunciated correctly, neither too fast nor too slow. The pronunciation has to be immaculate. The Bhava (devotion) and concentration must be pristine.

16. Rule of silence during Gayatri mantra chanting

Do not get distracted with conversations, phone calls etc during the chanting. Ensure that the meditation place is very quiet. Mindful silence can conserve energy and enhance productivity.

17. Develop a stronger resolve

Once you have decided on a number of mantras to be accomplished in a single sitting, do not cut slack. Push yourself to do it without getting mentally weak. Try the different techniques of chanting to sustain a mindful practice. Incase of written chants, practice at least for half an hour

Many get disheartened when there is no immediate progress. Some change mantras and deities frequently. It serves no purpose but only wastes time and energies.

Nature takes its time to get to your way. Gayatri mantra can give tremendous benefits once awakened with sustained practice with full devotion and faith.

18. Be regular and punctual.

Try to maintain a regular slot in your daily schedule for chanting. Be punctual, sincere and tenacious for best Gayatri mantra benefits.

19. Consolidate when done.

 Once you have finished the pre-determined number of chants, don’t immediately switch off. Linger around the meditation place with the meaning of the Gayatri mantra, breathe in the positive energies bathing you in wisdom and creativity. Fill yourself with gratitude and devotion before moving on with the next activity.

20. Gayatri mantra chanting rules for diet

Spiritual activities always work best with good Sattvic food and Sattvic lifestyle.

21. Chanting as a way of life

Carry Gayatri mantra with you everywhere. Whether you are at work, or going for a walk, cooking or studying try to live in the spirit of the chant.

A tame mind can be the best friend whereas a runaway mind can be the deadliest foe. When you assign the mind to the meaning of Gayatri mantra, it gets neutralized. Now it is unable to create agitations and play around with you. Plus there will be a steady inflow of positive energies into your psyche all day long .

22. Leverage on these windows for maximum Gayatri mantra benefits

Solar and lunar eclipses are known to multiply the effect of Gayatri mantra or any mantra chanting. Make a note in your calendar and earmark extra chanting slots to maximize these opportunities.

Happy chanting! Read more about the dilemma of the cosmopolitan Hindu and a basic ready reckoner on Hinduism and the amazingly similar views in Plato’s republic and Bhagavad Gita’s concept of virtues and dharma. Also, about OM Mantra benefits and the true significance of Makar Sankranti festival here, Powerful Ram Mantras, Soham meaning and Soham Mantra benefits here

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