14 Mantra meditation benefits, proven science, mantra chanting rules Blisscredo

14 Mantra meditation benefits, proven science, mantra chanting rules

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What is a Mantra? How mantras or mantra meditation can benefit you?

Prayers can move mountains! They can uplift us to the realms of grace! This infinite capacity of prayers are unleashed through the power of Mantras/Hymns. In this post, we will dwell upon the power of mantras proven scientifically along with the benefits of mantra meditation and mantra chanting rules.

A Mantra or a hymn is a string of holy, power-packed syllables, chanted to connect to the Divine. ‘Man’ part of the mantra word, means ‘to think’ and the ‘tra’ part means ‘to free’. So, Mantra means to free the thinking mind of bondage.

Further, almost every religion of the world unanimously agrees to the powerful benefits of mantra meditation. Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity, all recommend repeated use of sacred hymns to connect with Divinity.

In fact, Hindu philosophy (including the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Tantras) considers Mantra meditation (Bhakti Yoga) as the fastest and most beneficial path for reaching God. Super-devotees like Tulsidas, Ramdas, Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramakrishna Paramahansa and even Rishi Valmiki, all acquired divine capabilities due to their one-pointed mantra meditation.

Mantras can also benefit by helping fulfil the 4-fold Purushartha objectives. Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (enlightenment).

But, is the power of mantras proven scientifically? Read on to know all the scientific evidence and research that point out to how exactly mantras can impact and benefit us.

14 Amazing Benefits of Mantra and Mantra Meditation!

Also the power of mantras proven scientifically with attached studies!

Scientific evidence further proves the power of mantras! Resolution of mental health issues like burnout, anxiety, stress, depression, are one of its most profound effects.

1. Mantra meditation benefits the nervous system

Studies by neuroscientists using brain -imaging tools, confirmed the health benefits of mantra meditation on the nervous system .It also showed reduction of post-traumatic stress 6,7,8 and stress and anxiety.

2. Mantra meditation benefits the blood pressure and cardiovascular health

Studies 1, 2, 3, showed how mantra meditation could improve the blood pressure and insulin resistance components of metabolic syndrome as well as cardiac autonomic nervous system tone. Also, heart rate variability 4, 5 as compared to non practitioners.

Another study found that prayer and mantra, when recited six times a minute, caused striking, powerful and synchronous increases in existing cardiovascular rhythms inducing better physical and psychological health.

3. Mantra can even benefit the nutrition in herbal plants and further enhance brain capacity

During a study, (US National Library of Medicine) found that herbal plants exposed to Mantra Vibrations activated their static electric points and set into motion certain ionic discharges. As a result of these discharges, the brain nerve centers of the person consuming those herbs was positively impacted.

4. Memorizing, chanting mantras benefit the grey matter!

This famous study by Neuroscientist James Hartzell was on Sanskrit Pundits, who had been chanting Vedic mantras for over 10 years. As a result of this long practice, a positive difference was found in the grey matter density and cortical thickness of their brains.

In other words, parts of their brain related to areas of language, memory, visual systems, long-term and short- term memory were enhanced by mantra meditation. Another study showed similar results,

5. Om Mantra Meditation is doubly beneficial with its soothing & brain stabilizing effects

  • Another study used the method of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), to examine the effects of chanting ‘OM’ v/s a random word chant ‘sss’ . In conclusion, Om mantra chanters showed significant limbic deactivation in the right amygdala and other brain parts. Thus, the power of Om Mantra was scientifically proven effective for killing stress and inducing relaxation. Therefore, could also be used to help treat depression and ADHD

  • Another study tracked the effect of Om on the nervous system with the help of a spectrometer and digitized waveforms of the mantra.  The pitch and the frequency modulation of the mantra chanters was analyzed for over 10 minutes each. Subsequently, the results showed soothing brain -stabilizing benefits of Om mantra meditation.

6. Mantra meditation benefits with improved focus, attention span and working memory

Researchers from Linkoping University, Sweden, measured activity in the DMN (default mode network) part of the brain. This part is known to be overactive when distracted with worrisome thoughts or in depression ruminative stage.

They found that mantra meditation can be especially beneficial for students since it calms the DMN. This is because it leads to improved focus, attention span and working memory while providing freedom from distracting thoughts and sensations.

Students from top-ranking colleges, often feel pressurized and complain of depression. Mantra meditation before and during exams help ease stress and improve their cheerfulness and clarity of mind.

7. Gayatri Mantra meditation has immense benefits for students and their academic performance

  • Studies show that Gayatri mantra can benefit with improved cognitive functions in students increasing their spatial and verbal memory scores

  • In addition, another study showed how Gayatri mantra benefits students in handling stress related to learning difficulties.

Based on esoteric science, Mantra meditation has 7 more potent spiritual -mental wellness benefits.

Apart from the previously explained power of mantras proven scientifically, lets take a quick look at its esoteric side

8. Mantra Meditation jumpstarts a Spiritual Detox through a powerful Cosmic Churning within

Regular Mantra meditation (Japa) benefits with an immense internal upheaval which is best described as a ‘Cosmic Churning’ !

In other words, a churning that purges out all the negative pent-up feelings, emotions and energies, cleansing out your system.

Above all, these positive emotions and energies sink deeply and get ingrained in the mind, body and soul, in time.

As a result, a strong consistent surge in positive energies accrue as the positive benefits of mantra.

9. Mantra meditation benefits with a Powerful new direction: Tamasic/Rajasic to Sattvic

Mantra meditation stops the mind from chasing one object after another. Instead, it gently nudges it towards the Divine.

When there is a God-consciousness inside, the mind brims with Sattvic energy. As a result, tendencies change from passion to purity. Also, from compulsive desire-gratification to divine-rootedness.

10. Mantra meditation amps up the beneficial power to manifest

Whatever the mind dwells on during Mantra meditation, that mental thought substance takes an image form. These countless pictures (of objects) in our subconscious mind are called Samskara (impressions) in Vedic philosophy.

When this same Samskara is dwelled on repeatedly with mantras, then that habitual Samskara gains strength and tries to manifest in form (matter) in real life. 

To clarify:

  • Firstly, divinity-oriented Samskaras lead to Divinity inside and outside
  • Secondly, service-oriented Samskaras lead to Service inside and outside
  • Finally, cooperation-oriented Samskaras lead to Cooperation inside and outside

11. Mantra meditation benefits by making one perceptive to the powers of the Life Force

The cosmic download of positive ‘Prana’ brought about by Mantra meditation, activates latent powers within us. As a result, a whole new realm of consciousness opens up to us.

Suddenly, we become perceptive to the invisible but powerful Universal Forces acting in our lives.

Further, we intuitively join hands with this force to sail us through the ups and downs of life.

12. Mantras can benefit by raising one to state of equanimity

When the Mantra’s sound energy gets to work at the atomic level of the cells, they alter the very frequency of that body.

Consequently, a feeling of harmony settles in. Things that would otherwise ruffle you, leave you untouched.

In short, the world’s violence, restlessness and anger can no more disturb the inner calm.

13. The Power of mind control is benefitted by mantras

Now, the calm tamed mind is able to exhibit supreme levels of one -pointedness. As a result, the working memory, retention and output climbs up a thousand notches.

This is because, the focused practice of shutting out the mind and the 5 senses but engaging the breath in mantra meditation has a centering influence.

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14. Mantra Meditation accelerates a Powerful Mind, Body, Soul Evolution

Countless Mantra repetitions can discipline, prime the mind-body-soul singularly towards spirituality.

Above all, the Universal Force is invoked faster. Hence, a special might of supreme peace and joy , fearlessness, austerity and determination rises up inside.

A simple breath-coordinated mantra like Soham- Hamsa or a deity related mantra like ‘Om Namah Shivaya‘ for Lord Shiva or ‘Hare Krishna Hare Ram‘ for Lord Krishna or Rama or ‘Om Gam Ganpataya Namah‘ for Lord Ganesha can have a profound impact of the chanter. 

As Thomas Ashley-Farrand says in his book Mantra Meditation.  “Mantra meditation is not magic, but the results can be magical.”

Finally, with the power of mantras proven scientifically and esoterically through aforementioned benefits, lets get on with a more detailed research on the origin of this belief. Let’s evaluate both the Western and Eastern perspectives and discoveries on the Power of sound and hence power of mantras

Western Perspective : The Power of mantras proven scientifically, through the Power of Sound

The power of mantras proven scientifically Bliss Credo
Nikola Tesla, Universe, Vibration, Mantra Meditation Bliss Credo

Western world started out by researching the effects of sound vibration on various mediums such was water, fluids, semi liquids, powders etc. As a result of this, there is clear evidence over the last few centuries that:

  • First, sounds produce shapes.
  • Second, particular notes give rise to particular forms.
  • Last, to produce a particular form, you must produce a definite note in a particular pitch.

Research validating ‘The Power of Sound’ and ‘The Power of mantras proven scientifically’

1.Chladni Figures

Inspired by Robert Hook, Physicist Ernst Chladni made a landmark discovery. He showed the effects of sound vibrations on a flat surface known as Chladni figures (“Discoveries in the Theory of Sound”, 1787).

2. Eidophone

Next, Mrs Watts Hughes, a music composer invented the Eidophone to demonstrate how different sounds create different shapes. (The Eidophone; Voice Figures: Geometrical and Natural Forms Produced by Vibrations of the Human Voice, 1904). Thus, validating the theory of the sages that mantras can powerfully create forms.

3. Tonoscope

Third, Hans Jenny, invented the Tonoscope. He studied and demonstrated the effects of sound vibrations on fluidsfluids powders and liquid paste. He named this study ‘Cymatics’ (Cymatics: The Study of Wave Phenomena, 1967) . This validates the theory that mantras can powerfully create forms not just in air but also on water and semi-liquids

4. Water Sound Images

Next, researcher Alexander Lauterwasser used crystal oscillators (Water Sound Images, 2002). Through these, he featured imagery of light reflecting off the water, set into motion by sound sources.

5. Message from Water!

The power of mantras proven scientifically : Bliss Credo

Recently, in his landmark research, Researcher Masaru Emotu (Message from water, 1999) tested the effects of positive sounds on water and also their molecular structure on crystallization. He found that positive mantras led to beautiful crystals while negative sounds did the opposite. Since, humans, animals and plants are mostly composed of water, it was established that positive sounds can have a maximum impact on them. Thus the fact that the power of mantras with positive connotations can benefit with positive forms, is proven scientifically here.

6. Sound is able to move objects (levitate)!

Likewise, Modern scientists have figured out ways to use the powerful force of sound to move objects (something that the Rishis accomplished thousands of years ago!)

A team led by Yoichi Ochiai at the University of Tokyo, reported a landmark achievement in acoustic levitation. They were successful in moving 1mm dimension objects with the help of sound emitting devices at the frequency of 40kHz (beyond the audible frequency of humans)

Thus the power of mantras as sound energy can impact even rock-solid objects, is proven scientifically again.

7. Cymatics, Cymascope and Cymatherapy

Today Cymatics has evolved rapidly and applies the science of sound for cancer surgery too! So, the fact that ancients recommended mantras to heal mind-body disorders doesn’t seem superstitious anymore!

In fact, Cymascope, the world’s first scientific acoustic instrument developed by John Stuart Reid (acoustics-physics researcher) imprints sound vibrations onto the surface of pure water. As a result, one can distinguish healthy cells (with beautiful patterns and pleasant sounds) from cancerous cells (with ugly skewed patterns)

After that, Cymatherapy, as an evolving healing alternative tries to convert the diseased vibrations into healing sound patterns to cure the ailment. Once again the power of mantras (healing sounds) to cure ailments is once again, scientifically proven here

Eastern perspective: The power of mantras proven esoterically through the Power of Sound (Sanskrit syllables)

Here, a number Indian scholars and a greater number of Western Sanskrit scholars, agree that it is a scientifically codified language. This ancient lingo is where sound and form are connected, as beautifully explained by Sadguru.

The logic of how enlightened Vedic Rishis, composed beneficial mantras: They believed :

1. Firstly, that the Universe is energy vibrating at multiple frequencies. Vibration is sound and sound is vibration along with a form.

(Science discovered this much later.) Watch this powerful video on how potent these vibrations are and how far humans are going to leverage its power.

2. Secondly, that each cell in the body vibrates at a frequency. So, by changing that frequency, the mind-body aura can be transformed.

3. Thirdly, that Sound (Sabda) manifests in the Ether (Akasa). Also, a simple Shabha (sound) instantly manifests the Artha (the form/meaning) in our minds. 

4. Lastly, that the 50 Sanskrit syllables correspond to the sum total of all vibrations that reverberate in the Universe. Hence every set of vibrations created leads to corresponding forms.

 “Through the application of Sanskrit spiritual formulas, energy comes into our body that dissolves difficulties and improves our lives. Collectively these vibrations are called the Matrika, the Mother… the Spanda (vibrations) that have constructed the universe we inhabit.” (Thomas Ashley Farrand- a Western authority on Vedic/Buddhist Sanskrit mantras in his book Mantra Meditation)

Thus, the fact that this awe-inspiring force of Sound, is the cause of the benefits of mantra and mantra meditation, is proven scientifically.

Mantra chanting rules for maximum benefits in mantra meditation

Mantra chanting rules Bliss Credo

Mantra chanting rules for maximum benefits in mantra meditation


The primary rule of mantra chanting is that the effort should be full of positive faith, intention and concentration

1. Mode of chanting

Choose from amongst the 3 ways of mantra chanting rules: internal (inaudible), soft or loud. Inaudible internal mantra chanting is supposed to have maximum benefits. But at the same time it is hard for beginners. So, one can begin with loud mantra meditation and then take up soft chanting. When the concentration is established, then one can progress to the highest level of internal mantra meditation.

2. Best Time

As per the Vedic mantra chanting rule, the Brahma-muhurta (3.30 am- 5.30 am) is most beneficial. This is because, it is believed that any activity undertaken in this holy slot reaps the maximum benefits. That is to say, creativity and concentration flow unabated in these early hours, yielding the best results.

3. Best Direction

Always wash up before starting.  Settle down cross legged facing the North. The Vedic mantra chanting rules says that Kusa-grass with a sheet of cloth spread over it, works best. This conserves the body-electricity. through the prana generated by the mantra chanting.

4. Best Posture

Sit in a steady Asana. The mantra chanting rules insist that the head, neck and the spine to be in line so that the flow of energy from the Muludhara Chakra to the Ajna is seamless. However the posture must be comfortable with relaxed shoulders and steady breathing.  Padma Asana, Siddha Asana or Sukha Asana are recommended. Though, difficult for beginners, this can be achieved with practice. One can stand up and chant or vhant loudly if sleep overpowers.

5. Beads

Rosary beads are recommended as a mantra chanting rule mainly to aid concentration. Another benefit of the rosary is that one can track the number of mantras one performs in each sitting. Use the thumb, the middle and the ring finger but not the index finger for rolling the beads.  When you finish one round of the beads and reach the Meru (the big bead) turn it around and start again.  

6. Attitude and attention

The most critical mantra chanting rule is the Bhava (emotion). Above all, Mantra meditation needs an attitude of utmost devotion. For this, the rule is to concentrate on the image of your favourite God/deity. Alternately, one can concentrate on Om or any other holy symbol.

Also, imagine God residing in the Heart chakra (center of the chest) or the Ajna Chakra (space between the eyebrows).

Top 10 Mantras with benefits (Swami Sivananda’s, ‘Japa Yoga’)

Mantra- Siddhi as per Vedic lore is the acquiring of powers and special virtues or benefits through constant Mantra meditation and following of all mantra chanting rules :

1. Sarasvati-Mantra : ‘Om Sri Sarasvatyai Namah’: For wisdom, intelligence, scholarly attributes and poetic inspiration.

2. Mahalaxmi- Mantra : ‘Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Namah’ : For wealth and prosperity.

3. Ganesh-Mantra : For wisdom and obstacle free ventures.

4. Maha-Mrityunjaya Mantra :For long life and protection from health calamities

5. SuryaMantra : For health, long life, vigour, vitality and brilliance.

6. Subrahmanya-Mantra : ‘Om Sri Saravanabhavaya Namah’ : For success, name and protection from evil.

7.Hanuman-Mantra : ‘Om Sri Hanumate Namah’

8. For victory and strength.Gayatri mantra/ Om Namah Sivaya/ Om Namo Narayanaya/ Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaya, 1.25lac times, with faith and devotion for Mantra-Siddhi.

9. Om, Soham, Sivoham, Aham Brahmasmi for Self-realisation. Learn what Soham means and its benefits here

10. Om Sri Ramaya Namah/ Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaya  for first Saguna and then Nirguna realisation.

Top 10 Bija Mantras (Swami Sivananda’s Japa Yoga)

Bija-Mantras are solo or multiple syllables or even compound letter words with a subtle, mystic meaning. They do not mean anything prima facie but have a deep significance as a Universal Sound.

The Bija- Mantras of the five elements (Pancha- Mahabhoota) i.e  viz., Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether are respectively Yam, Ram, Vam Lam and Ham.

1. OM:

Om is the greatest Bija mantra! Because it is the primordial sound that created the Universe. In fact, Om is actually AUM comprising of the 3 syllables of A, U, and M. And the right way to chant it is

Aaaaaa… (as in car)

Oooooo… (door)


All sounds come from this one sound. That is because, it is the only sound that uses the entire sound-box in its utterance.

Also as per the Upanishads, AUM refers to the three states of human consciousness. A is the wakeful state (Visva), U is the dream state (Taijasa) and M is the deep sleep state (Susupti). Read all about Om Mantra chanting benefits here


This is a Bija mantra of Lord Siva. Here, Ha stands for Siva and Au for Sadasiva.

3. DUM

This is a Bija mantra of Goddess Durga. Here Da means Durga while U means to protect.


This is a Bija mantra of Goddess Kalika. Here Ka is Kali, Ra is Brahma while Ee is Mahamaya.


This is a Bija Mantra of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari. Here, Ha means Siva, Ra is Prakriti while Ee means Mahamaya.


This is a Bija Mantra of Goddess Mahalaxmi. Here, Sha is Mahalakshmi, Ra means wealth while Ee means satisfaction or contentment.

7. AIM

This is a Bija mantra of Goddess Sarasvati. Here, Ai means Sarasvati


This is a Bija mantra of Lord Shiva. Here, Ha is Siva and U is Bhairava.

9. GAM

This is a Bija mantra of Lord Ganesha. Ga means Ganesa.


This is a Bija mantra of Lord Ganesha. Ga means Ganesa, La means that which pervades while Au means lustre or brilliance.


This is a Bija mantra of Lord Narasimha. Ksha is Narasimha, Ra is Brahman while Au means ‘with teeth pointing upwards’.

Other Bija-Mantras are ‘Vyaam’ – a Vyasa-Mantra, ‘Brum’- a Brihaspati Mantra, ‘Raam’ – a Rama-Mantra.

Aim Kleem Sauh are the Bija-Mantras of Bala Tripurasundari.

Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaayai Vicche are the Bija-Mantras of Goddess Chamundesvari.

As is evident, they don’t have a ‘language’ meaning but these Bija mantras are root mantras in the form of sound powers. Only a Guru with a holy lineage can formulate these. The common aspirant simply has to take the mantra from the Guru and practice it diligently following all the mantra chanting rules.

In conclusion, “As a man thinketh, so he is.” We all live by this law.

The mind of a man who trains himself to dwell on good, holy thoughts, develops a tendency for the divine. His character is moulded and primed for greater goodness by bright positive thoughts.

So lets make the most of the tool of Mantra Meditation available to us and rise up!


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