How to increase willpower, 12 easy tips, science, scriptures Blisscredo

How to increase Willpower, 12 Easy tips, Science, Scriptures,more

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Why learn about increasing Willpower? Of all the trendy new topics out there? Why this?

Simply ’cause we love heroes! Those extraordinary achievers who manage unbelievable feats when the odds are stacked up againt them. We worship them, we wish we were as ‘talented’ or as ‘lucky’ as them. We hunt their memoirs looking for their secret success formula…

WillPower Can make you a Champion, Learn how to develop willpower with 12 easy tips, science, scriptures more : Bliss Credo

Just what kept Abraham Lincoln going despite tragedies and failures right uptil the age 52?

And how did Einstein manage to keep working on relativity despite overwhelming personal issues?

How did Walt Disney endure so much rejection and yet not give up?

The more we read about them, the clearer it gets. Nah! It wasn’t any extraordinary talent or virtue or luck or nepotism or great looks or fancy education that got them far.

Instead, their strong mind-body response to trying situations, stands out pronounced in their stories. Something that we ordinarily call grit or determination or self-control or persistence or will-power

In Kelly McGonigals bestseller, ‘The Willpower Instinct’ she talks about how Willpower works and how it is not a genetic trait but something we must take pains to cultivate in our lifetime. Here’s her related video from Talks on Google

Again, psychologist Angela Duckworth’s hugely successful work on the basic virtues of Self control/Regulation, Grit, and Willpower discusses how 1, 2, 3, 4 these invariably outdo talent and this video on ‘Why effort matters more than talent’, she explains that.

Students and willpower

Some more studies by her in collaboration with others (5) (6) (7) show how a rigorously built determination, is able to delay gratification and resist temptations and hence outdo talent, in the long run.

So, what really comes in between us and and the bull’s-eye? We do have willpower, we do make goals and we do give them a genuine shot!

But when the fizz runs out, temptations that have been leaning on our doorbells, call out louder and, we let them jump right back in.

This post will attempt to address that, and on ways to increase willpower albeit with a touch of old school wisdom.

First, let’s spend a minute on basics…

(A) What exactly is Will Power?

Willpower maybe defined as the power to keep exerting towards a long-term goal even in the face of tremendous oppositions, failures and temptations.

In this context, Bhagavad Gita quotes in Chapter 6, verse 6 that for the one who has toiled to build his will and enhance his self-control, the mind will assist him like a best friend in every venture.

Bandhur atmatmanas tasya yenatmaivatmana jitah, Anatmanas tu satrutve vartetatmaiva satru- vat

Meaning : ‘For the one who has conquered the mind, it will be his best friend; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain his greatest enemy.’

Similarly, Plato (around 500 BC) reiterated that the most glorious victory that a man could have was over his mind, through a relentless development of increase in willpower and determination. 

‘For a man, to conquer himself , is the first and noblest of victories.’

Back home, Swami Vivekananda introduced a new dimension to this thought about 200yrs ago. He said Education must be  responsible for teaching people, to direct the latent power of their mind’s will/determination towards fruitful ventures.

‘Education is the training by which the current(force) & the expression of Will, are brought under control to become fruitful’

Additionally, Mahatma Gandhi inspired millions by assigning a premium to mental strength over physical capacity. He exhorted Indians to develop and fortify their grit and willpower so they could stand up to the strongest adversaries …

‘Strength does not come from physical capacity, but from an indomitable will !’

Therefore, If we want to be anywhere close to the world’s mavericks, the key would be in learning to persevere with the greatest willpower for decades, just like them.

So, lets dive right in, and discuss the :

Top 12 tips on How to increase Willpower

1. Go under the scanner, Introspect! Know thyself before you chalking out a plan to increase willpower

Introspect to improve the stregth of your Willpower. Learn with 12 easy tips, science, scriptures :Bliss credo
All the more, because you alone know your strengths/pitfalls like no one else. Here’s a detailed explanation of Self-awareness by HBR. Ask yourself ….



First, How do you feel about yourself? A good self esteem is critical for building willpower

Are Confident? Or full of self doubts ? An attitude that you aren’t good enough, is enough to kill the best -laid plans. Learn how to get rid of them and commit yourself to your goals.

Second, Is it hard for temptations to break you? Can you resist short term rewards? If yes, then you will have greater success with your determination

  • Hold on indefinitely. Success brews over a long time.
  • The more difficult you are on those temptations, the closer success will be. Studies (8), (9), (10) have proved delaying gratification increases willpower and is a long term determinant to success.
  • Don’t settle for tiny short-term gains, focus on the mega prize at the finish line!

Third, How impulsive are you as a person? A Balanced persona is most conducive for perseverance and willpower increasing efforts 

  • Do you just tear up that piece you were working on for months, simply because you aren’t getting it right? Or can you regulate your emotions?
  • Tendency to swing to the extremes is a very shaky foundation for increasing long term grit vis-a-vis a balanced emotional response-system.

Fourth, Do you react negatively to failures? Being thick-skinned to failures is a prequisite for any willpower increase plan

  • Do you give up at the first signs of rejection? Are you easily discouraged? Do you get coloured by people’s perceptions?
  • Snap out of it. Pick yourself up after every setback. Mimicking How successful people react to failures will automatically refine how you react while preserving your will.

Finally, Do you strive for perfection? A high standard of perfection is critical to grit and determination building

When you have collected this data, work your plans around it and then see how you progress.

2. Fine-tune core philosophy, inside-out, to amplify willpower

Willpower develops more when we harmonize the mind -body,learn in 12 easy steps : Bliss Credo

Diagnose your value system before blindly prescribing self control medicines to yourself. When aligned with a clear sense of moderation, of right and the wrong, success naturally follows.

A philosophy of  ‘Sat’ as in ‘goodness’ ‘truth’, ‘Sattva’ can refine life for the better. Read more on what Bhagavad Gita says about the Gunas: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas through top 10 qualities of the Sattvic

Also find out more about the universal principles of Sanatan Dharma here…

In this context, The Bhagavad Gita quotes in Chapter 6, verse 17, that only a man who has developed moderation in all spheres of his life through advancement of his mental volition can transcend all worldly pains

Yuktahara-viharasya yukta cestasya karmasu, Yukta-svapnavabodhasya yogo bhavati duhkha -ha

Meaning: ‘He who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all pains by practising Yoga.’

So, Strive for moderation in everything and see how that puts you firmly in the drivers seat of your life.

Try some of these tips :

Dietary moderation induces self control

  • A moderate plant-based diet with the last meal by sunset will not only banish obesity cum related diseases but also change your sleep cycle. An early to bed- early to rise habit is a foundational stone for acquiring many new character enhancing life skills.

Saving, a natural consequence

  • A moderate philosophy and a mindful disposition will abhor mindless splurging. Auto savings will win, hands down.

Altruism, your ticket to higher planes of willpower

  • Righteous goals give you surge of inspiration that propels you forward as compared to mundane selfish goals. Studies prove that altruism benefits higher emotional well-being and promotes greater influence over self and impulses

A strong Inner Anchor, the sticky glue to your will

  • Herd mentality can’t thrive in a moderate philosophy. When you are firmly anchored inside, all wasteful activities are immediately replaced by mindful ones. The pressure to ‘fit-in’ fades away.

Read more about how to make informed ethical choices, basis lessons from Bhagavad Gita.

3. Tag the things that make you tick, to those ‘challenge-tasks’ that drain your willpower reserves… notice the change.

For instance if you want to upskill, to add an additional income, chase your interests. Your determination will surge to give traction to your efforts

  • So, opt for a supplementary career in areas you love … writing, reviewing fashion, gaming devices etc . Ignore the boring yet lucrative Data security course (with an assured placement). Your output, on job learning and career prospects will have a quantum difference.

Also, deploy aids that supercharge you while plugging the loopholes that might derail you. Being in – sync with your inner self and genuine desires will naturally increase your willpower to do better.

  • So, If you love coffee, then remember the aroma while zipping out of the bed with the alarm.
  • Or, If you love music, then remind yourself at dawn, what a good time you will have jogging with your earphones.
  • And avoid subjects that lull you to sleep, in the early-morning study plan.
  • Also, ignore Whats app till you pick up steam for the day, to avoid losing precious morning hours.

4. Discipline of mind & body= Increase in willpower.

Swami Vivekananda constantly implored his disciples to improvise their Will by first learning to manage their mind/body better.

‘Will is a compound of the Self and the Mind.’.

Note : The Self, stands for the Divine Soul within (Atman, as per Hindu philosophy). Read about the dilemma of the cosmoplitan Hindu here and a basic reference guide for this cosmopolitan

Increase Willpower with Yoga and Meditation : Bliss Credo

Therefore start managing your mind superbly! A weak will comes from an ill-managed mind and resultant chaotic emotions. Rid yourself of this persistent mind/emotion dichotomy by

Prayers/ Meditation/ Pranayama/ Mantra Chanting/ that buiding self control and staying -power

  • Centre yourself. Spend some time in silence. Pranayam/ Vipassana meditation/Mantra meditation/ Concentrating on something as simple as ‘AUM’ or ‘Soham‘ are harmonizing therapies. Notice that, the things that tested your will earlier, will slowly become effortless.

Learn more about the powerful benefits of Mantra Meditation, the right way to meditate and top mantras.

Mind/body exercise forms like Yoga/Tai-chi to build self regulation.

  • Studies show how Yoga and Tai-chi have a hugely enhancing effect on grit and volition.
  • Ancients have put in a lot of thought while evolving these exercise forms. Use it !
  • Interestingly, Yoga has the distinction of being able to activate the ‘proactivity muscles’. It generates a natural space between a stimulus and a corresponding reaction.This is exactly the space in which your willpower triumphs over petty impulses.

Avoid needless stimulation that distract and drain your reserves of will.

  • To do this, avoid excessive talking, thinking or socializing. Maintain serenity of mind
  • Also, conserve physical and mental energy by avoiding pointless, energy-sapping activities.

5. Build a positive Self -image! Affirm the right power thoughts that will build not break your willpower.

Bliss Credo

Feelings of inadequacy, left unchecked, can rampantly breed mental indiscipline and a manufacture a ton of misery! Not to mention, completely wipe out the last traces of resolve in you.

About this, Dalai Lama, puts it very simply

‘A disciplined mind leads to happiness, an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.’

Therefore one must mindfully discipline the unruly mind, nip those ‘nay-saying’ thoughts, leverage the power of positive words to re-invent a new self!

In this context, many religions, say that the world was conceived of, with a single word. (Shabdh) (Holy Word)… and that a given Word and the energies behind it, create forms.

Also Read more about the power of mantra meditations and studies that back this belief.

Hence, Use these potent tools to enhance and increase your willpower.

  • Use positive suggestions!
  • Fill yourself with ‘I can … ideas!
  • Be open to new ideas with a ‘CAN be done!’ attitude.
  • Check every negative thought that undermines you and replace it with an affirmation.
  • Read motivating books. Watch positive uplifting movies. Hang out with positive people
  • Avoid getting sucked into the negativity of news or social media or negative people.

6. Delay giving in to those familiar temptations, and enhance your volition.

A Well Developed Will Power can help you fight temptation, learn in 12 easysteps: Bliss Credo
So, When that familiar temptation knocks simply say, “Not now, maybe later.”

Consequently, the more you delay giving in to it, the more the toxic habit wanes, and the more your willpower grows. This delayed-gratification method as a way of developing volition has been proved in umpteen scientific studies. (7), (8)

With regards to this, Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 6, verse 36 warns us against the dangers of a wayward mind.

Asamyatatmana yogo dusprapa iti me matih,Vasyatmana tu yatata sakyo vaptum upayatah

For one whose mind is unbridled, realization (of goal) is difficult. But for he, whose mind is controlled and who strives by correct means, success is assured.

Therefore, keep a firm hold on your mind in the face of temptations to see your resolves through:

  • Let’s say you want to cut down on smoking or on your tea consumption. Then, each time the urge shows up, you simply postpone it.
  • Push off gratification by a few minutes, a few hours and then slowly work it up to a day then more. Soon you maybe able to hold off for days.
  • Before you know it, that temptation, sick of hanging around, has completely given up on you. and suddenly you just dont feel like it anymore.

7. Burn the bridges that lead to your Achille’s heel, conserve upon your volition reserves.

To do this, increase willpower by simply cutting off your supplies. Eliminate the need to herd back your mind or summon your willpower again and again.

Here, Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6, verse 34 describes how difficult it is to subdue the mind…

Cancalam hi manah krsna pramathi balavad drdham,Tasyaham nigraham manye vayor iva su-duskaram

The mind is strong, restless, turbulent, obstinate. Subduing it is harder than trying to control the winds.

Therefore, Leave no room for your temptations to show up.

Your will power will dance with glee at the reduced work load when you start :

  • Giving away those expensive alcohol bottles.
  • Setting up a standing instruction to your account, to swipe off the extra cash into a liquid fund.
  • Unsubscribing from Netflix. Delete that toxic game.
  • Packing off the chocolates in your fridge to the maid, each morning.
  • Opting for a pre-fixed grocery list minus cigarettes.

8. Break goals into smaller, attainable, trackable milestones, see much more determined you will be to accomplish them.

Unfortunately, an action plan missing in sub-plans almost never works. Break them down and see how much more doable and motivating they become.

Test your plans beforehand for the presence of sequentially logical steps. Say, you plan to save 10lacs (a million) a year, then there must be a breakdown of smaller numbers and goals leading up to that number.

Therefore if you want your grit to help you achieve this goal, you must work out these details beforehand:

  • How much to save each month?
  • Where to invest to get the best return?
  • How to supplement monthly savings?
  • Where to cut corners?
  • How to add income streams?
  • Drill this data down to daily/weekly actionables.
  • Track regularly and keep improvising.

With this, your progress becomes is crystal clear and so also the way forward.

9. Combat stress when you miss or fail, as it can be toxic on willpower.

Meditate and increase your willpower

Stress Has A Way Of Sneaking Into Your Life With Unmet Deadlines, Disappointing Progress And A Crushing Failure. It Can Be Fatal On Willpower As It Can Induce One To Give Up.

A pragmatic view towards a missed goal, is advisable. Because even the strongest-willed, miss their goals for days in a row. But instead of caving in, they keep at it with another shot, then another and so on…

So, get back right up, give it another go. Use your failure to push you to become more determined. Don’t let it give you an excuse to rubbish the little progress you have made towards your goal.

At the same time, remember, You are not a robot. Your day cannot be programmed to perfection. Do:

  • Avoid micro managing each second of the day.
  • Avoid constant self-reprimand, be kind to yourself.
  • Thrash the idea that your past failures are indicative of future progress!
  • Avoid ruminating over past failures, living in regrets or worrying over imaginary ‘future failures.

Additionally, learn to step back from time to time and soak in the moment. Remind yourself how lucky you are, to be a part of the miracle called life

10. For chronic addictions, seek both professional help and self-help techniques

Here, Aristotle words hit the nail!

‘What lies in our power to do, lies in our power NOT to DO’

Understandably, years of alcohol/drug abuse can be hard to break. Just when you think its gone, they can flare up again easily at the slightest provocation.

Therefore, one must go beyond self-help techniques and also enlist professional help.

11. Pay heed when you are dying for a break. Driving oneself up the wall can be counter-productive for a strong personal will and drive.

Don’t stretch the delicate strings of your inherent inner balance too far. Do realize that, its only human to move from the Yin to the Yang.

Do give yourself a restful break after a bout of intense activity. Be aware of what your body and mind tell you. Earlier the theory of a depleting willpower reserves, was prevalent but some recent studies say the contrary.

Nevertheless, don’t hesitate especially when it is much deserved, but do make it a point that to make it rejuvenating and not just another binge break. You will bounce right back with a renewed will and vigor.

12. Resolve to stick to your resolve, as the final step to reiterate and remember your long term goals. See how steady your volition becomes then…

Success with Willpower

‘I resolve to stick to my resolve!’ Make this your slogan, no matter how banal it sounds.

Each time you repeat this, your mind and body will give you back what you feed it. This slogan will fortify your will and keep your self regulation in place, never losing sight even in the midst of crazy-hectic days.

So, remind yourself of it, every step of the way, while eating, bathing, working. Saturate yourself with this single thought.